Another (not so) quick update….

May 15, 2008

Thought I had better update you on whats been going on here….

Having a good day today. Had an email through yesterday offering us discounted tickets to Playhouse disney live in nottingham. VERY discounted tickets, a quarter of the price to be exact!!!!

Instead of them being £20 each, they are just a  fiver! So in effect, you buy one ticket, get three free lol.


Anyway, we’re booked to go see it the day after Jacks birthday (Good timing eh?) for the 5pm showing.

I honeslty dont know who’s more excited, Me because of seeing the kids faces, or the kids becasue they are going to see Handy Manny etc etc


Anyway, enough with the smug faces…

Its suddenly dawned on me Ive not updated this for ages properly and need a post to catch up

Jack went for a hearing test again yesterday. He suffers from glue ear (Too much fluid in his ear canal) He did very well and for the first time really understood what they were asking him. He played the “games” well, did what he was told and even had them all giggling at his reactions. He let the doctor check his ear and didnt flinch once! (A huge improvment from last time) I think it helped that I had been pretending to be a doctor looking in his ears before we went in, and explained what would happen beforehand.

Apparantly his hearing is “adequate” but if it stays at the level it is at the minute WILL need some sort of intervention. Something to drain the fluid from his ears. Im guessing gromits. It could affect his learning ability in school as he struggles hearing things when theres a background noise. We are goin back in four months time to test again, as he has a cold at the minute, and then we will see what happens.

The positive thing is, that now something actually seems to be happening about it. His speech has improved 200% recently, he actually holds conversations with us rather than just talking gobbldygook.

Another positive thing is that I have regular hours at work, I can budget better, and I can plan my time and the kids routine more. I also am able to take them with me for half an hour till Karl can pick them up after work.

Jacks started pre school one afternoon a week and is settling in really well. He whinges a little bit when we leave, but by the time we’re walking round the outside of the building he’s off and playing with whatever toys are out that week (I can see him through the window). He actually asked to go this week and wasnt impressed when I said he had to wait a few hours!!!!

Lukes clingyness is wearing off a little bit. He still wants me if he’s tired or hungry, but he’s trusting a few more people now. Before, he would sit on my knee for the first half an hour of visiting anyone, including my mum and dad, and Karls Mum and Stepdad. Now he’s happy annough to run off and play at theier house straight away and will even follow certain friends around. I cant wait till he starts pre school, its going to be difficult I think because he wont like me not being there to start with, but hopefully he should soon settle.

Our house is almost ready for selling though thank god so we can move out of this shitty area and hopefully move somewhere that world war three isnt starting every two minutes! Im desparate to move in some way, but am wondering wether we should hang on because of this supposed credit crunch dropping house prices….

Other than that, not much to report really…. Ive been busy trying to find stuff to decorate the rooms with for thier party. I spent about two hours last night making bloody invitations!!!!!

(They do look good though!)